tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2022

Tekoäly keksijä

In ‘The Artificial Inventor’ (Thomson Reuters), Luz Sánchez García (University

of Murcia) characterises humanity as standing at the cusp of an ‘Artificial Invention Age’ in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer used as a tool but rather a creative partner or independent innovator. The challenges presented by this state of affairs, including whether ‘artificial agents’ can be considered inventors, patent their inventions, and enjoy the benefit of patent ownership – and how their inventions would be evaluated against established human rules in the first place, are considered in this book.


Pikkuhiljaa yhteiskunta joutuu sopeutumaan supertekoälyn tuloon.


The second chapter moves to the notion of an ‘Artificial Intelligent Agent’, including whether such an agent could possess both intelligence and consciousness. Assuming that consciousness is not at play, how then should AIAs be characterised legally? As with the overviews of various concepts in the previous chapter, Sánchez García moves to consider a range of potential options, from personhood, company status, animals, exceptional subjects of law, or slaves, with a particular focus on Spanish law but incorporating insights from other jurisdictions and historical developments. A more extended consideration of ‘electronic personality’ is followed by an alternative proposed definition, taking into account potential technological developments in the degree of autonomy of AIAs, that of the ‘performance imputation center’: a tailormade solution as an entity lacking legal capacity but capable of being attributed the ability to obtain an invention.


Nykytilanne on sellainen, että tekoäly tekee jo taidetta ja osaa kirjoittaa kaikenlaista. Kuka on tekijä kun tekoäly tekee taidetta? Onko se ohjelma vai tietokone? Pitäisikö tietokoneille maksaa eläkettä kun vetäytyvät pois ikääntymisen takia? Eläke ohjelma tietokoneille.


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