In the wake of these epoch-making developments, the old longing for a sublime fusion between man and machine has today taken on a kind of messianic fervor. “Our species has been rapidly acquiring superpowers in the form of unprecedented levels of control over our bodies, brains, built environments and ecosystems,” writes Elise Bohan of Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute. Just as Karl Marx predicted, humanity has risen up to reshape its environment in the image of its machines — and now, say the prophets of the cyborg future, man himself must become the object of his own unsparing optimization. “We’re loath to admit it, but the world is not set up for ape-brained meatsacks any more,” declares Bohan. “We’ve seeded an extra-human layer of thought. . . . The next step is to bring it to life.” These are no longer the fever dreams of a few tech enthusiasts or Soviet fanatics.
Transhumanism — the promise of a new generation with bodies and minds enhanced by machine technology — has become a millenarian aspiration among the magnates of the world. In 2022, President Joe Biden’s White House announced via executive order its intention to invest in technology that will make its wielders “able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers” so as to “unlock the power of biological data.” If man is a prototype computer, constructed from the raw materials of an uncaring nature, then his destiny is to update himself into eternity. Stretching out his hands to touch the blessed diodes of his most cherished creations, he will slot himself at last into the coiling network of information and electricity that is already snaking through the air and earth all around him.
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