torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2025

Superäly strategia

Former Google chief Eric Schmidt says the US should refrain from pursuing a latter-day "Manhattan Project" to gain AI supremacy, as this will provoke preemptive cyber responses from rivals such as China that could lead to escalation.

China would not sit idle waiting to be dictated to by the US once it achieves superintelligence, the authors warn. This assumes that rivals would accept a lasting imbalance of power rather than act to prevent it, thereby undermining the very stability the strategy purports to secure ...

Schmidt is one of three co-authors of a paper that likens artificial intelligence to nuclear weapons during the Cold War, and warns that the race to develop increasingly sophisticated AIs could disrupt the global balance of power and raise the odds of great power conflict.

The paper, "Superintelligence Strategy," posits that rapid advances in AI are poised to reshape nearly every aspect of society, but that governments see them as a means to military dominance, which will drive a "bitter race" to maximize AI capabilities.

The paper claims that the development of a "superintelligent" AI surpassing humans in nearly every domain would be the most precarious technological advancement since the atomic bomb. 

Supistina kannatan Superälyn kehityksen kiihdyttämistä kaikin mahdollisin keinoin. Lisäksi panoksia pitää nostaa, että saadaan porukka todella tekemään töitä. Tehdään Supesta totta! 

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