His Build Back Better Act, which contains $555 billion in proposed climate action, is in limbo on Capitol Hill. The Supreme Court is set to hear a pivotal case in February that could significantly restrict his authority to regulate the carbon dioxide that spews from power plants and is driving climate change. And the midterm elections loom in November, threatening his party’s control of Congress. Since Republicans have shown little appetite for climate action, a Republican takeover of one or both chambers could freeze movement for years.
“If they can’t pull this off, then we failed; the country has failed the climate test,” said John Podesta, a former senior counselor to President Barack Obama and founder of the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank.
Joe Biden ei kykene lunastamaan ilmastolupauksiaan. Pikkuhiljaa kansa tajuaa kuinka kalliiksi ilmastonmuutos tulee. Sähköstä tulee uskomattoman kallista ja samoin kaikesta muustakin energiasta. Tästä ei puhuta, mutta sähköstä voi vielä tulla uskomattoman kallista.
Kansaa on huijattu lupauksilla, joita ei kyetä lunastamaan. Energian raju hinnan nousu tulee ajamaan suuren osan kansasta köyhyyteen, sille ei voi mitään; ei mitään.
Ilmastosatanismi kerää kannattajia.
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