maanantai 24. kesäkuuta 2024

Kurzweilin haastattelu

This is where Daniel Kahneman comes in. In your book you describe conversations you two had about a transition between our world and the singularity. You thought that society would be able to handle the transition, but Kahneman argued that it would be full of tumult, even violence.

Yeah, he thought there'd be conflict. I was more optimistic. I'm not saying that everything's going to be perfect, but would you want to go back to, say, several hundred years ago, when our lifespan was around 30? When we had no electronics at all, and no one could remember anything, and we hadn't invented the record player? Life was pretty terrible. We’re much happier now. And I've got 50 different graphs that show everything has gotten better. People don't remember that. 

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