Tuotetun hiilidioksidin määrä nousi viime vuonna enemmän kuin koskaan, yli 500 miljoonaa tonnia, laskee Yhdysvaltain energiaministeriö. Luku on korkeampi kuin ilmastoasiantuntijoiden pahimman tapauksen hahmotelmassa, joka laadittiin neljä vuotta sitten.http://yle.fi/uutiset/luonto_ja_ymparisto/2011/11/kasvihuonekaasut_kasvoivat_ennatyksellisesti_3004531.html
CO2 päästöjen realistinen vähentäminen on mahdotonta niin kauan kuin maapallon väkiluku kasvaa.
Mr. Muller has been brutally frank about the poor quality of the weather-station data, noting that 70% of U.S. stations involve uncertainties of between two and five degrees Celsius. One could interpret the Berkeley study's results as confirmation of earlier studies and of the IPCC's conclusions, despite the poor quality of the stations used. But perhaps the issue is that the Berkeley study and the ones that came before suffer from common errors. I suspect that the temperature records still are affected by the urban heat-island effect—a term given to any local warming, whatever its cause—despite efforts to correct for this. The urban heat-island effect could include heat produced not only in urban areas, but also due to changes in land use or poor station siting.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204394804577012014136900828.html
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